CAPsMAN with VLANs can be achieved either by using Local Forwarding Mode or CAPsMAN Forwarding Mode, the Local Forwarding Mode will provide the possibility to use a switch between your APs and CAPsMAN router to switch packets (to achieve larger throughput), while CAPsMAN Forwarding Mode should be used when all traffic should always be forwarded to the CAPsMAN router (in most cases to filter packets). This guide will provide an example how assign a VLAN ID to Wireless packets based on the AP, to which a Wireless client connects to. CAPsMAN has a functionality to assign a certain VLAN ID under certain conditions. It is possible to create centralized Access Point management setup for home or office environment that is scalable to many Access Point, such a setup is quite easy to configure and has been explained in the Simple CAPSMAN setup guide, but for more complex setups VLANs might be required.